What is RoosterCow crowing and lowing about these days? Two new comics, 1 new zine, 1 new gift box, and a new online store for everything RoosterCow. Yes, your dreams are finally coming true, so read on.
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The Air Waves Goodbye
Steve Stelling’s comic/art book, The Air Waves Goodbye, is navel-gazing for those with especially deep, inverted belly buttons. It started as an urge to create something for Rock and Roll’s supporting staff. Roadies and recording engineers need poetry too. This book looks great in stark black and white with a shiny bright cover.
Digest 5.5 x 8.5 in. Black & white throughout, 80 lb. paper, saddle stitched. Black & white cover, 110 lb. paper, gloss lamination.

Reglar Wiglar #28
As promised in the last newsletter, Reglar Wiglar #28 has arrived. This issue features Part 2 of “Portrait of the Artist as a (Very) Young Man”, more advice from Sucky the Parasitic Worm, another band overview from Donald Trump (this time metal legends Metallica get the Trump treatment) plus another exciting Cassetty the Cassette comic adventure.
6.7 x 10.2 in. Full color, satin finish cover, color throughout, stapled, 80 lb. paper, 100 lb. matte laminate cover

Sssnakes #4
The latest issue of Sssnakes is now available. Like previous issues, #4 is a mini-comic printed on an ink jet printer and lovingly cut, folded, assembled, and stapled by its creator.
This issue sees our heroes, Sly and Steven, showing us the different types of snake locomotion ("Do the Locomotion with Me"), talkin' 'bout love ("We Be Long Together"), almost getting into a fight ("Fight Club'), visiting Merry Old England ("Pub Grub"), and channeling the Bard ("Channeling Shakespeare").
5.5 x 3 in, printed with inkjet printer with a magenta color card stock cover, stapled

Get a Case of Snakes
Get all four issues of Sssnakes! in a hand-decorated box. Each one is different and includes all four issues of the mini-comic plus a RoosterCow pin and a slithery snake* friend of your very own.
Four issues of a 5.5 x 3 in, printed with inkjet printer with color card stock cover, stapled. Gift box is 6 x 4 x 2-in white corrugated cardboard.
*not a real snake.
What’s Next for RoosterCow?
Look for the following zines and music coming soon.

Reglar Wiglar Reprints
Reprints of Reglar Wiglar #22-25 may also be a thing. Look for those in early 2023 as the Reglar Wiglar celebrates 30 years of existence.
Used Records & Tapes #3
UR&T #3 is in the works and will feature contributions from zine-maker extraordinaire Liz Mason (Caboose), zine & book author Joshua James Amberson (Basic Paper Airplane), screenwriter Marc Basch (Hearts Beat Loud, The Hero), artist Steve Stelling (The Air Waves Goodbye, see above), actor and comedian Matt Champagne, and of course, Mike Dixon, and myself. Also, artist Jesse Reklaw (Couch Tag, LOVF), will contribute a 2-page comic spread on Prince’s Sign O’ the Times. Missed an issue? Check out Used Records & Tapes #1 and #2
Empire Smalls 5-Song EP
Word on the street is that Empire Smalls is working on a 5-song follow-up to their Send Us Fools LP. Stay tuned for news on what will likely be an early 2023 digital EP release.
